Fun in the Sun, the Sun Smart Way

Sun SmartIt’s time for another sun safety reminder! Yes, I’ve become that annoying friend who always says, “Don’t forget sunscreen”, “Let’s find a shady spot”, and “You should ask your GP about a skin check”. But this reminder a much more exciting. I’ve teamed up with my life long friend, who’s also an amazing photographer, Kieran Darcy, to share the sun safety message. Kieran was especially supportive and surprisingly inspired during my melanoma diagnosis. So when she asked to collaborate on a sun safety themed photo shoot, I couldn’t help but say, “OF COURSE!” And now that we can share the finished product, I can’t help but give Kieran a big THANK YOU!

The photo shoot took place at my favourite spot in the whole world, Georgian Bay, in Lake Huron, Canada. It’s a place where we’ve both spent many days of our youth under the summer sun. Every summer before this, since I was a baby, I would have either played or lounged in the sun, for the most part without any sun protection. I now honestly regret my audacity for the sun.

What also made this photo shoot special was Kieran not only captured great photos of their own, but the subtly that sun safety can be. You would be surprised how easily sun safety can transition into your everyday life. For example, we still enjoyed some fun in the sun, but under the shade of a tree and during sunset, when the sun is least strong. Additionally, instead of prancing around in my itsy bitsy bikini, I kept covered with my favourite go-to sarong and sunhat. But what you can’t see in these photos is that my body and face are slathered in SPF 50 sunscreen, even under my makeup.

I hope you keep this in mind during the upcoming summer. Though melanoma is scary, sun safety doesn’t have to be. We all have the capacity to form a healthier relationship with the sun. Not only am I an example of this, but my friends and family are as well, who delightfully informed me during my recent trip home that they decided to be more sun smart after hearing my melanoma story. How heart warming is that?! Look below for all the amazing photos from Kieran and check out @kierandarcyphoto for more inspiring photos.Sun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartPhotos by Kieran Darcy.

London in a Bottle

Scents of LondonYou might have heard that scent is the strongest thing tied to memory. This holds true, as I am transported back to my London days every morning with these latest additions to my morning routine. I do not know how Jo Malone and Molton Brown do it, but they have captured London in a bottle with their refreshing masculine scents. And as you can tell my daydreaming of London days gone won’t last for much longer, as these products were gifted to me as a nice treat.

But I was wondering, do you encounter scents at home that bring you back to days spent in far away places? I would love to know of any products that capture Canada in a bottle, those would be next on my list for sure.

4 Simple Beauty Essentials

Simple Beauty EssentialsMy second rule for beauty products while traveling is “simple”. A mirror might not always be handy, so simple application and quality results are necessary. My favourite simple products are…

Smashbox O-Glow: This offers the right amount of pink to cheeks, by simply using your fingers to pat it on. No mirror or brush required!
Benefit High Beam: I use this mostly around my eyes to subtly brighten them, by simply blending in a few dots of the highlighter with my fingers.
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lash Extending Treatment Mascara: One application provides a natural look and two applications give a more glamorous look.
Moroccan Oil Treatment: We all experience frizzy hair to a certain extent. Just a dime size amount of this product goes a long way to smooth and shiny hair, just by combing through with hands while hair is damp.

Double Duty Beauty

Multipurpose Beauty Products

My number one rule for beauty products while traveling is “double duty”. It allows one to pack less, while achieving the same results from all the regular products. My favourite double duty products are:

Dermalogica Sheer Tint Moisture SPF20
It provides great moisture for day, while doubling as face sunscreen, and bonus, offers a slight tint to even out skin tone.
Dermalogica Total Eye Care
Refreshes eyes, while adding a sheer concealer, with the bonus of sunscreen.
Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant
I use this as my daily cleanser when traveling, however the rice based exfoliating powder offers the right amount of exfoliation as well.
Lucas’ Pawpaw Ointment
The Australian version of Vaseline, but better! Australians use this for everything, it even list all its uses on the packaging, from lip chap to “rash salve”. My cousin also informed me that it gets rid of pimples too.
Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat Radiant Touch
Applicator, concealer, and highlighter all in one. Definitely worth the investment!