Fun in the Sun, the Sun Smart Way

Sun SmartIt’s time for another sun safety reminder! Yes, I’ve become that annoying friend who always says, “Don’t forget sunscreen”, “Let’s find a shady spot”, and “You should ask your GP about a skin check”. But this reminder a much more exciting. I’ve teamed up with my life long friend, who’s also an amazing photographer, Kieran Darcy, to share the sun safety message. Kieran was especially supportive and surprisingly inspired during my melanoma diagnosis. So when she asked to collaborate on a sun safety themed photo shoot, I couldn’t help but say, “OF COURSE!” And now that we can share the finished product, I can’t help but give Kieran a big THANK YOU!

The photo shoot took place at my favourite spot in the whole world, Georgian Bay, in Lake Huron, Canada. It’s a place where we’ve both spent many days of our youth under the summer sun. Every summer before this, since I was a baby, I would have either played or lounged in the sun, for the most part without any sun protection. I now honestly regret my audacity for the sun.

What also made this photo shoot special was Kieran not only captured great photos of their own, but the subtly that sun safety can be. You would be surprised how easily sun safety can transition into your everyday life. For example, we still enjoyed some fun in the sun, but under the shade of a tree and during sunset, when the sun is least strong. Additionally, instead of prancing around in my itsy bitsy bikini, I kept covered with my favourite go-to sarong and sunhat. But what you can’t see in these photos is that my body and face are slathered in SPF 50 sunscreen, even under my makeup.

I hope you keep this in mind during the upcoming summer. Though melanoma is scary, sun safety doesn’t have to be. We all have the capacity to form a healthier relationship with the sun. Not only am I an example of this, but my friends and family are as well, who delightfully informed me during my recent trip home that they decided to be more sun smart after hearing my melanoma story. How heart warming is that?! Look below for all the amazing photos from Kieran and check out @kierandarcyphoto for more inspiring photos.Sun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartSun SmartPhotos by Kieran Darcy.

4 Unnecessary Items for Travel and Good Substitutes

Over Packing TipsContinuing on our theme of over packing from a few weeks ago, I thought I would share the non-essential items for travel. You might be surprised to learn what you don’t need and what you can substitute these items with while abroad.

  1. Pyjamas
    I admit it, I never travel with pyjamas. You might think, TMI, but it’s not what you think. If I’m in a private room, undergarments are all I need, but if I’m sharing a room, my workout clothes, which are much more versatile, do the trick.
  1. Hair Dryer
    My friends are probably rolling their eyes at this item, as I’m one of those girls with ideal hair, who always lets my hair air-dry, while they are pros with hair dryers and straighteners. But the idea is, usually when you travel, one is a bit more free-spirited and can get away with a little air dry. Though in lieu of a hair dryer, just use a straightener to style any untamed hair (once dry). And most hotels provide hair dryers anyway.
  1. Valuable Jewellery
    You’ve probably heard the stories, “my ring fell down the drain” or, “I forgot my necklace on the hotel bedside table” or worse, “someone stole my watch”. Don’t travel with jewellery you aren’t prepared to loose. It’s difficult because the pieces I wear most often are irreplaceable, passed down from my grandma. So find cheap lookalikes and travel with these instead.
  1. Shaving Cream, Mouthwash, Hairspray
    These are extra little luxuries of our daily routine that are easily substituted with essential products while abroad. Soap or conditioner can easily be used in lieu of shaving cream. And a good floss, rinse with water, and mint can easily substitute the benefits of mouthwash. Finally, tame fly away hair with a little moisturizer. You get the idea.

My Sun Safety Dream Team

Sun Safety ProductsI know this might be a few months too early for my northern hemisphere readers, but think of it as a little escape from the cold or something to look forward to. Summer is finally winding down here though (it’s been one of the hottest summers on record) and I thought I would share what’s helped me get through. With my recent diagnosis, I couldn’t help but make adjustments to my sun protection. I was recently reminded again, with the removal of a precancerous mole, of how important it is to do what you can to guard yourself from the damaging rays of the sun. Here is my sun safety dream team!

Vogue was right, my dermatologist told me, “The bigger, the better”. Unbeknown to most people, our eyes are susceptible to melanoma as well, so invest in a good pair of BIG sunglasses.

Aruba Aloe Very Water Resistant SPF 30 Sunscreen
First of all, SPF 30 is a minimum, along with waterproof protection. I’ve tried expensive and cheap sunscreens, but this gem from the small island of Aruba is my all time favourite. It spreads evenly, smells great, and doesn’t react with my sensitive skin. I know it’s hard to come by with shipping only to Canada and USA, but if you know anyone vacationing in Aruba, ask them to do you a favour and pick some up for you!

Dermalogica Sheer Tint SPF 20 Moisturizer
This is another all time favourite product of mine. It moisturizes perfectly for the day, along with evening out skin tone with a bit of tint. Perfect for underneath SPF makeup.

Zinke Stick
Zinc sticks remind me of sunny days on ski hills as a kid, where we would paint each other’s faces with neon colours. But I’ve since learnt that zinc sticks have come a long way from those days, sold in tan and clear, it’s a necessity for parts susceptible to burn, like your nose.

Dermalogica Total Eye Care SPF 15
We often forget about the sensitive skin around our eyes, but remember melanoma doesn’t discriminate. Along with sun protection, this product depuffs and brightens for those tough mornings.

Aruba Aloe Lip Balm with SPF 15
We also forget about our sensitive lips. We must remember that lip-gloss and lipstick don’t usually have SPF in them. So slather a bit of SPF underneath.

Wide Brim Hat
Not only does a wide brim hat keep the sun off your face and shoulders, but it keeps you cool as well.

Extra Notes

  • Cover up. Gone are the days of spaghetti strap tank tops. I find myself wearing mostly T-shirts and long sleeves, and when swimming, at the pool, beach, where ever, I wear an SPF 50 sun shirt for added protection.
  • Stay hydrated. When I first moved to Brisbane during the beginning of summer, I would get light headed from the sun. My boyfriend told me to take a bottle of water with me where ever I go, as my body wasn’t accustomed to the heat. I still don’t think I’m accustomed to THIS heat, so I still bring a water bottle with me everywhere I go.
  • Be aware. Know the strength of the sun throughout the day. Do outdoor activities first thing in the morning or in the evening when the sun is least strong. Walk on the shady side of the road, even if it’s out of your way. I go so far as to find slivers of shade when waiting to cross the road and never sit at the tables in the sun at restaurants during the day.

What are your favourite sun safety products and tips?

4 Items to Reconsider when Packing

Over Packing TipsWe’ve all been there, five minutes to go and we’re sitting on our suitcase as we use all the strength we have to pull that zipper shut. It’s an all too familiar reality that I’m sure we wish we could all avoid. “But how”, you say, “These shoes go with this dress and I can only wear this outfit with that scarf”. Well I think I’ve found a solution to this familiar problem. At the end of my trips I’ve noticed there are usually four items in my suitcase that I never got around to using. I thought by keeping these items to a minimum, I could lighten my load. Keeping my travel mantra of versatility, style, and quality in mind, eliminate over packing the following items.

  1. Makeup
    Yes, I want to look good in travel photos as much as any other girl, but five different eye shadows and three lipsticks isn’t going to help that. Choose samples sizes of your makeup and stick to what you wear regularly when at home. Even think about what makeup isn’t truly essential, remember multipurpose and simple works best. And for those eye shadows, hunt down a compact palette, small enough to hold your favourite shades.
  1. Shoes
    I know, I know, it’s probably the biggest female dilemma when packing, what shoes to pack. Sometimes you probably wish you could take an extra suitcase just for your shoes. One day, when we’re all rich and famous this might not be so impractical, but for now we must pack only our most practical/versatile shoes. But this doesn’t mean packing orthotic support shoes. Luckily in this day and age Birkenstocks and runners are in style, taking you from touring to trekking. And stick to neutral colours, like black and white, so your shoes will match with any outfit. For warmer trips, I only travel with black flip-flops, nice white sandals, black/white flats, and black runners, while during the winter I swap the sandals for ankle and knee-length boots.
  1. Scarves
    It’s easy to get carried away with scarves while packing; they seem harmless to pack because they’re usually very versatile. But chances are you’ll only end up wearing one scarf, two max, while abroad. Stick to your favourite, like my trusty black sarong, that will match with anything and can be used day or night. And keep in mind scarves make great souvenirs, so pick up a local scarf on arrival to help blend in with the locals and spice up your usual outfits.
  1. Bras
    If you’re like me, you have one bra to go with one dress, and another to go with another dress, and so on. Essentially though, you could get away with one nude bra with adjustable straps for an entire trip. So before your next adventure, stock up on versatile bras, that transform to strapless, racer back, etc. I like these affordable bras in neutral colours with adjustable straps, along with a good sports bra, you’ll be ready for anything.

Go To – Tote

ToteMy travel mantra combines versatility with style and quality. So when it comes to lugging around extra belongings, I choose my trusted Envirosax tote. First of all, it’s lightweight, as I prefer this version to the heavier canvas bag alternative. It is also compact, rolling up into a tiny burrito. And the cute pattern usually matches with most outfits. I use this tote for anything from a beach bag to a shopping bag, it’s even assisted me when my luggage was a bit overweight. Bonus, it’s machine washable and dries quickly. Is there anything this tote can’t do?! Well it’s also affordable and durable, with over five years of use it still looks new!