
Hi I'm Meghan! Welcome to jaunt and flauntWhat is jaunt and flaunt?

Thank you for stopping by. jaunt and flaunt is the embodiment of my passion for travel. It documents my travels around the world, along with insights about the life of an expat. I’ve also thrown in a few travel tips I’ve learnt along the way.

When it comes to travel (and life in general), my mantra is versatility, style, and quality over quantity. I like to make things easy for myself, while ensuring integrity. Throughout my travels I’m constantly striking a balance between luxury and budget, relaxation and exploration, culture and character.

jaunt and flaunt is the embodiment of my passion for travelWho am I?

I consider myself an avid traveller, having visited almost thirty countries before age 30. Yet I still have so much more to experience, considering I’ve barely visited most of Asia, Africa, and South America (they’re next on my list). I’ve been living abroad for almost five years, first in London, UK, then Brisbane, Australia, and now Melbourne. Though, I’m no stranger to moving and living in cities around the world, as I’m originally from Toronto, Canada and attended university in Vancouver.

I’m always exploring, it’s my nature, I studied anthropology and archaeology after all. Whether it’s discovering new restaurants in my current city or touring hideaways of historical sites, I always try to find the exceptional in each attraction.

versatility, style, and qualityHow did jaunt and flaunt arise?

I first thought of the idea for jaunt and flaunt in 2011 when I found myself inundated with requests from family and friends for travel advice. I thought it would be useful, not only for my family and friends, but for you as well, to put it all in one place. jaunt and flaunt slowly came to fruition after moving to Brisbane, where I was forced to redefine my future.

I hope this blog is helpful and most of all inspiring, as I believe travel is the best education. It challenges us to see the world for what it truly is (a marvelous place), forcing us out of our comfort zone, ultimately gaining new and valuable perspectives. Enjoy!

More about me…

  • I live in Melbourne with my boyfriend, Alex, and my fluffy, ginger cat, Claude.
  • I was a competitive synchronized swimmer and coach for about 15 years in Canada and Australia.
  • I have my Masters in Artefact Studies; basically I worked behind the scenes in museums.
  • So far my favourite country to visit is Japan, Spain is a close second, and my favourite cities to visit are Melbourne and Berlin.
  • I’m very proud that I can a drive manual on either side of the road.
  • My bucket list includes swimming in as many oceans and seas as possible. So far, I swam in all four oceans, except the Arctic, and a number of seas.
  • I ultimately want to travel around the world for a year, my boyfriend and I are constantly re-routing our dream around the world tickets!

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And some posts worth checking out…

Getting Real with jaunt and flaunt

The Tip that Changed the Way I Pack

Get ‘Cast Away’ in Fiji

Word to the Wanderer #2

A London Local Tells All

6 Surprising Reasons to Visit Australia

4 Tips for Travelling with your Partner



3 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Getting Real with jaunt and flaunt | jaunt and flaunt

  2. Miss Meaghan,
    Your blog is WONDERFUL..WONDERFUL..WONDERFUL…That is: full of wonder that is you. You were thought of A LOT on your birthday …Like ” I’ve got to write Meagan Now” …two hours later…”now”…Guess what! You have an incredibly lazy Aunt who I is coming to terms with being a work in progress and the biggest piece of work she has is the colossal procrastination bit.
    So now being the 15th of April I still want to wish you Happy Birthday AND did I mention your blog is indeed TRULY WONDER FULL.
    big hug from auntie Rosalie.

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