Life Lately via Instagram

InstagramI’m sorry I’ve been slack with posting these past few months, but I’ve been busy doing what travel bloggers do best, TRAVELLING! If you follow me on social media, you would’ve seen I visited Laos and Thailand, road tripped from Los Angeles to Seattle, and spent some time in Canada, especially touring around Tofino. It’s been a great few months full of new discoveries, experiences, and (good) challenges. And I can’t wait to share all these travels with you soon (stay tuned)!

However, my biggest update of all has to be that Alex and I moved to Melbourne this month! I can’t express how excited we are! Those close to me have noticed a complete shift in me since discovering the news. This move has been a long time coming!

Previously, I expressed my struggles since moving to Brisbane. I’m someone who is greatly affected by my surroundings, as I have a strong sense of place. Simply put, what brings me joy, such as meaningful work, family, and culture, doesn’t exist for me in Brisbane.

Nevertheless, considering Melbourne is my favourite Australian city, I can easily find my joy here again! Melbourne is full of culture, which means meaningful work for me. It also reminds me of my hometown, Toronto, which is much needed after experiencing years of homesickness.

Though our larger travels might slow down, as we attempt home ownership, I’m excited to experience more local travels (post to come soon). So for now, here are some of my recent travel photos from Instagram. But feel free to follow along on my next adventure @jauntandflaunt. And a big thank you to all those that hosted, guided, and supported us throughout our travels and relocation.

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